The Boy Jesus and the Bottle of Myrrh (A Short Story)

What if Jesus did not instantly know who he was? Or what his gifts were? What if it dawned on him only gradually, as it dawns on each of us? Maybe his mother recited stories of the unusual events surrounding his birth. Maybe she set the beautiful boxes the three wise men brought him on a shelf in his room, and at night the young boy would take them down and hold them and wonder. – Jesus, CEO, by Laurie Beth Jones.

This about-to-end-Easter, let me share a story I wrote, in which I imagined Jesus Christ as a little boy and a teenager.

Well, sometimes, God gives us a little imagination for us to draw nearer to Him. And, before a story moves in the heart of its readers, it must first move the heart of the writer.

The reason why I wrote this comes from two Christmases ago, as we watched a lights show that told the story of the birth of Jesus, at a busy Greenhills bazaar in Manila, Philippines. Suddenly, I felt moved by this story of Jesus I’d heard a thousand times over. Recalled to my memory also was the quote mentioned above, and I began to wonder.

Next, I imagined what the boy Jesus, who was just starting to live His life, had felt when He realised what He was really living for on Earth. And, in the midst of that evening crowd, the revelation brought me to tears.

As I put my fingers to the keyboard to write the revelation down, the Holy Spirit then led me to a new realisation of the Gospel and the identity of Jesus, and embraced my heart with a new kind of love.

In sharing this story, I hope you’ll enjoy the same kind of treasure I had in the joy of loving Jesus.

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A weekend with the Word Warriors

Last month (yeeeeeah, better late than never xD), I spent a Saturday afternoon at a rad event called Poetry Menu II, which took place at this nifty place called the Tattva Bistro, and was hosted by the Word Warriors. The Word Warriors are a group of slam/spoken word poets based in Kathmandu, and are, of course, rad as well. Here, I shall share the observations, opinions, and experiences I had during the course of the event.

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List of 10/10 things #1

Yes, I know. It’s been a long while, as I’d been battling the monsters Writer’s Block, Procrastination, Distraction, and Wandering Aimlessly, so I’d been unable to post for weeks. Thankfully, to come to my rescue, I stumbled upon the latest post from one of my favourite blogs, Scathing Jellyfishin which Stefan, the author, talked about “Tidbits and Interestings”, which is basically the stuff he’s particularly fond of and looking forward to at that time, and asked us if we could maybe do our own “Tidbits and Interestings” post.

I gladly took up the initiative, because I finally had something nice to write about, and I did have some stuff I really liked and wanted to share about, plus, I really look up to Scathing Jellyfish. It took me a painstakingly long time to make this into something readable, but finally, I did it! So, without further ado, here is a list of Awesome Things 🙂

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Samantha’s new blog!!!!!

YES. I’ve finally come through with this blog.

Bindaaaaas! Ishaan

After spending ages on picking a theme, writing the ‘About’ page, and groaning about how to write this post, I’ve finally, finally, finally come through with this blog.

So, what’s this blog gonna be about? Yup… It also took me ages figuring out the answer to this question, what with taking up Jeff Goins‘s “Intentional Blogging Challenge” and discovering that I wanted to take blogging seriously. In that challenge, the first step was to find my focus for my blog before I actually made my blog. The main question posed in that first lesson was, “What are you passionate about?” Whoa der. This is yet ANOTHER question that took ages for me to think about, and I still haven’t got a definite answer! You see, I even put up a page of my list of Top 10’s just to show how many things I am very interested in.

And I must say I got a bit obsessed with finding a specific purpose for writing a blog, and also with finding my calling – which I guess isn’t very recommendable at this age, unless you’re Malala Yousafzai, who embodies ‘the struggle you are up against makes you what you are’, or Hiro Hamada, who’s terribly good at his passion.

Malala #passiongoals

But really, I haven’t gone through a huge disaster that radically shaped my life (yet), and I don’t consider myself an expert in anything (yet). Plus, I follow some pretty amazing blogs, which are personal blogs, that don’t really have specific purposes except for being the personal blogs of their authors. For now, I guess I will just keep this blog a personal blog, because I am still busy figuring out my course in life and figuring out who I am 🙂

I hope you’ll be able to bear with me and actually like what I write! Not being a normal kid living an ordinary life brings up some pretty bizarre and interesting experiences, and I sure don’t think and act like kids my age. (But where are the actual kids who think and act how kids should at this age?? Do you know some? No?! I guessed so.)

“But we don’t think like other children, do we, Val? We don’t talk like other children. And above all, we don’t write like other children. […] I see myself as knowing how to insert ideas into the public mind. Haven’t you ever thought of a phrase, Val, a clever thing to say, and said it, then two weeks or a month later you hear some adult saying it to another adult, both of them strangers?”

“I always figured I heard it before and only thought I was making it up.”
“You were wrong. […] Val, we can say the words that everyone else will be saying two weeks later. We can do that. We don’t have to wait until we’re grown up and safely put away in some career.”

-Peter Wiggin to Valentine Wiggin, Ender’s Game, pg. 164

Well, my visions differ from Peter Wiggin’s, but we do both agree on not waiting until we’re grown up. What I’ll be posting about, for now, will be my experiences and some pieces of my perspective, with the goal of expressing myself, so I apologise if some of them don’t make sense and thank you gratefully if you find that some of them do make sense! (Believe me, that’s why I said goodbye to my old blog, because almost all of my posts didn’t make sense, haha. Hopefully, this time, I’ll get better!) 😀

Alrighty then – welcome to my blog! Enjoy your stay.